
Swimming Practice in Dirty Lake Lanier

Here is a picture of where we decided to get some practice swimming in Lake Lanier for the Triathlon. EEEwwww, gross....we didn't last long! There were about 20 geese swimming around us and we DID happen upon some underwear that had been washed up on the shore. I can't believe we actually got in the water!

Actually, here is the real picture of where we swam. Mary Alice Park, Lake Lanier. What a dump the city of Cumming has let this place become. This picture is actually a really good picture, from here, it actually looks nice. But don't let tricky photography fool you...

Clean it up, Forsyth County! This place is gross!!

The one good thing that did come out of practicing at Mary Alice Park is that we met a pro-triathlon dude that knew what he was doing. He jumped in the lake with little hesitation (he did admit it was really scary, too!) So we were able to follow him in and not be as scared.

Byron (our pro-triathlon dude) looked a little like this:


  1. Great work both Alaina and Amanda in this race, they both did amazing. It was inspirational to watch you!
